Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 2 - My Date with Hope

Not the best of quality as these were taken with the iPhone4.
But nonetheless, I just wanted to share the story beyond the colors of the canvas.

Evening with Hope

I used to think that life was about hard work and fulfillment as the greatest awards and statues of achievement were granted to those great soldiers, philosophers, and businessmen alike who passionately worked every hour of the day in pursuit of success.

But yesterday, waiting by the clock for the lights in the ER room to flick off, and the news to be delivered, I stood by the waiting room wondering about what commandment has women like my mother recieved. Perhaps a handful of men has ventured to great lengths the journey under the sun, a handful of soldiers selflessly, fought against all odds for a glimpse of pride, and the greatest philosophers propelled a sense of liberty to all of human kind at the cost of his own, but I dare to say, that all of such accomplishments becomes secondary when compared to a lifetime of women - mothers like mine - who has brought up a family and child(ren) single handedly, for her courage, strength and affection emits not only in the brink of day, but every breath of devotion ripples through every hour of the day as well as every hour of the night.

Media's Playground

Like many households, when I was a child I was very intriqued and often spent a handful of time in front of a television, it kept me company when the world didn't have room for children. Now that I've grown older, I still like television because when I'm tired of thinking, it saves me a trip to the amusement park.

Always Together

Family members are rays of light that tend to guide you through even the darkest times.