Monday, February 28, 2011

After the Rain.

You can see a rainbow anywhere as long as your heart's looking for one.

With that said, any moment can be gracious, just like this one made up of a chaos of colors

A Splash of Light

Sometimes to see the rainbows,
you have to put up with the rain.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lost & Found

A gentlemen finds devotion.
A poet finds inspiration.
A dreamer finds indulgence.
A lonely fellow finds romance -
I just realized..

I found my passion.

In a Dream - It's as Real

Crystal Clear

There are times when I feel like a crystal.
Sometimes sharp, other times just as fragile.


I was surprised to find my SANDI iPhone stands arriving in a pair, I recalled ordering just one (one iPhone), but nonetheless I looked around, gathered a few things and prepared to capture their delicate moment.

My Date with Bokeh

I rarely hear good music - I more often feel it.

Violin is such a beautiful instrument. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Let's go Shopping

Valley of Hope

Beauty says Hello

Be Casual

Fancy a Wish?

 An Apple a Day - Keeps the Bad Cravings Away

Look up - Cuz That's where the Light is

 The Photoshoot

 Inquisitive Guess

 Wall of Class

Island of Patience

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm f3.5
1st Edition by Kiron

Introduced in 1975 Vivitar offered a revolutionary line of exclusive lenses (Series 1), albeit the extraordinary high price, in fact they were so expensive that photographers descriminated the series, but their value were soon realized by a small group of passionate photographers and brought to light through Vivitar's unbelievable optical quality, lens construction and versatility - compared to even brand name lenses at the time.

Today, I find great prviliage and nonetheless greater pleasure in possessing one of these prestige lenses, the one I hold is one of the earliest version manufactured by Kiron with 15 elements and a front thread of 67mm with macro at 1:2.2.. unfortunately it is also the heaviest in this series, afterall it's full metal construction. I wanted to get the second version manufactured by Tokina (with one less element, and much lighter) though that hunt proved to be more exhausting and impossible then I had imagined. The following editions were made on budget and hence lack in all areas of the pristige history.

Nonetheless, I am still awaiting my EOS-FD adapter with AF confirm before I can even use this lens.. for now it sits on my desk like a trophy of vintage inventions.


Friendly Escape.

Pacific Mall

The largest Asian mall in Toronto certainly follows close by its reputation.

Coke-addict Caught Red-handed

 Time is Precious - So are you

Before I took this shot, I was surprised to find an elderly man sitting alone with a series of newspapers in one of Toronto's largest Asian mall on a statutory holiday known as Family Day, one would expect this man to be with his children or loved ones rather then spending this day alone, others would assume that he's wasting precious time.

Personally, I saw this man smile a couple of times and I thought to myself: if life was about living each moment to your enjoyment as long as you won't have regrets, then the times you enjoy wasting most certainly were not wasted at all.

Fashion model, Mr.Liang.

Coca-Cola - Enjoy life
(1923 slogan)
Thanks to Kevin's can of Cola.

A Prayer is from the heart - not the tongue

As I stood looking down at the crowds of people engulfing the main floor where all the stores were having a sidewalk sale, I turn my head as a figure appeared by the corner of my eye, this lady stood with her eyes closed deeply emerged in thought.. it took a moment for me to realize she was induced in a prayer.

As a child, my frist group of friends were regulars at the local Church, they were devoted Christians. One day, they welcomed me inside this holy place to learn about their religion, I had trouble understanding and accepting the divine father known to many as God, as every time I stepped out of the Church I would hear of these natural crises and crimes flooding the city and around the world.

As I grew older though, I realized that people believe in God for more than just a sense of rescue, but a sense of redemption - a powerful force to guide them through the greatest cascades of hopelessness, it was a breath of enlightment. Their prayer meant more than a hope to change things - it was an attempt to change themselves and to shape their attitude preparing for what milestones lie ahead.

 Playscape Arcade @ Pacific Mall, Toronto

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 3 - Beautiful Winter Morning

Not the best of quality as these were taken with the iPhone4.
But nonetheless, I just wanted to share the story beyond the colors of the canvas.

The Journey

Through every little twist and turn you journey through the road of life, you may not necessarily find your destination, but you'll be a mile closer.

A Short Moment of Thought

There will always be an off-button, with exception to reality.

Night & Day

For some reason, I can look at this shot in the day and wonder why I lept to the shutter, but then I look at the same moment in the night and my mind lights up. 

Day 2 - My Date with Hope

Not the best of quality as these were taken with the iPhone4.
But nonetheless, I just wanted to share the story beyond the colors of the canvas.

Evening with Hope

I used to think that life was about hard work and fulfillment as the greatest awards and statues of achievement were granted to those great soldiers, philosophers, and businessmen alike who passionately worked every hour of the day in pursuit of success.

But yesterday, waiting by the clock for the lights in the ER room to flick off, and the news to be delivered, I stood by the waiting room wondering about what commandment has women like my mother recieved. Perhaps a handful of men has ventured to great lengths the journey under the sun, a handful of soldiers selflessly, fought against all odds for a glimpse of pride, and the greatest philosophers propelled a sense of liberty to all of human kind at the cost of his own, but I dare to say, that all of such accomplishments becomes secondary when compared to a lifetime of women - mothers like mine - who has brought up a family and child(ren) single handedly, for her courage, strength and affection emits not only in the brink of day, but every breath of devotion ripples through every hour of the day as well as every hour of the night.

Media's Playground

Like many households, when I was a child I was very intriqued and often spent a handful of time in front of a television, it kept me company when the world didn't have room for children. Now that I've grown older, I still like television because when I'm tired of thinking, it saves me a trip to the amusement park.

Always Together

Family members are rays of light that tend to guide you through even the darkest times.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My favorite dessert in the World.

Crackers & Ice Cream

Everyone has their bitter moments, this is my medicine, maybe it'll be yours.

I have a tendency to sip on a cup of home brew tea every morning before attending my errands, then during the ocassional short end of the stick when I feel overwhlemed the answer is spoiling my sweet tooth for ice cream. Afterall, it's only appropriate to balance your bitter experience by indulging into sweet pleasure.. though one must be aware, like medicine you wouldn't want to overdoze or you'll lose balance.
Tea gets me out of bed while ice cream melts me out of misery.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day.

Warm blessings to all those lovely couples and lonely souls.

I spent a few hours drifting about my blog trying to come up with a piece of writing dedicated to those delicate couples, but I realized most of them probably were so anticipating this day that they must be busy falling in love all over again as I speak, hence I'd like to extend my blessings to the workaholic mothers and fathers, clueless grandmothers and grandfathers alike: Don't be afraid to share some love, after all, a mere kiss brings not only a smile, it's a sign of affection that brings your heart back to when you were young, it's like magic that makes speech dissapear. Don't be afraid to add a hug, as this short moment of embrace secures a handshake from both hearts.


Alex's Seafood Caviar Fried Rice

Nothing like a simple yet rewarding valentine treat for myself.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Times we Smile

Life Goes On.
"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us." -Samuel Smiles
We're often so caught up with living that we tend to forget the purpose of what we do. Life is a simple journey, just that not every step is easy. Think of it this way: a journey without cause only becomes a journey without effect.

 Survival is not an instinct, it's a right.
To people like us, this bowl of noodles that costs $0.50 cents serves us well enough for a meal or two, but to people in third world countries, this bowl symbolizes the struggle between life and death.

Nothing lasts forever, that's why this moment is the most precious. 
Personally, I've always been fond of the colorful appeal of nature's blossoms, it's calm and soothing aroma delights my emotions in every little sense - until it perishes with the season.

You're Beautiful no matter What They Say

I find it terribly depressing to learn that the modern sympathy of what is beautiful and what is not resides in one's eyes. Although I agree appearance sells, one must also not forget that only beauty within the heart never grows old.

Life is a Gamble only if you chose to Bet.

Friends are those who let you think out loud, because they're there for who you are. It would be my pleasure to take this opportunity to thank you for being there.

Life is more than meets the eye.

Humans have five senses: Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch and Hearing. But we'd be an animal if we didn't know to think.

Not everything has a Safety Net

Before you make your decision to choose what action to take, just remember that in the end of the day, you have two goals: safety and success.

A friend in the dark, is better than being alone in the light.

I had a really comforting feeling as I was securing the final moments on the shutter button, perhaps it was because I was spending time with a few friends that I haven't seen in quite a while. It feels as though as time passes, we grow further apart from who we used to be, from the innocence we used to grasp. In essence, the lampshades felt like a warm fireplace on a chilling winter day.

Magic of Technology

From the era of film cameras, to slrs, dslrs, m43s, what great innovations has been brought into our world; go on now, *Free Your Imagination*

*Thanks to Kevin L. for the GF1 for this shot, I also featured your slogan.

Creativity is Priceless

When Fate Hands you a sour lemon, go on and make a lemonade. When Fate hands you a strip of leather, be creative.

No one is Perfect.

Although I am not an admirable billiard or snooker player, I find it very amusing to spend time learning.

Practice Makes Perfect

I used to never be a fan of billiards nor snooker as I found it to be time consumingly boring, but then I realized for games like these, including Poker, victory usually follows the player who's most perserving - truly, a test of patience.

Hope is to be made, not chased.

They say that often or not, "practice makes perfect". I tend to agree as you revisit history, that many of the wildest achievements were indisputably carried out by distressed men and women who never stopped working. Other's argue that luck plays a grant part in success, then I'd like to reply that Success is the journey of effort, not a distination.

A picture can paint a thousand words. A melody can bring a rainbow of colors to silence.

As you do, I have my own particular instances of loniness, wonders, sorrow, love, joy, hope and other sensitivities - but no matter how different our experience proves to be, music becomes an universal medicine.